JAM Youth Group Events at St. Luke's 2024 - 2025 (4th - 6th Grade)
Welcome new 4th Graders! Welcome back the rest of you! We thought you might like a schedule of the whole year so you can plan ahead. Please keep this note on the family bulletin board or some place you can find it so you can encourage your child to attend each month. Friends are welcome and you are always welcomed to join your child also! Meetings will be the SECOND Wednesday night of the month and will meet at church from 6:30 - 8:00 pm unless otherwise specified. If your child needs a ride to any activity, please call: Anne Gran 762-2684, Rondi or John Wussow 834-3180, Georgia Nelson 320-766-3455, Stacy Kvilhaug or Dale Witikko. We will give rides or help find someone who can. We are the advisors for the year.
The objective of youth group is to build Christian habits and self-esteem through fellowship, service and faith building activities. We are a Christ-Centered ministry program that will help our youth "rejoice and grow in Jesus' friendship..." Our name is JAM - Jesus and Me! Our devotion this year will be about the Fruit of the Spirit. Each meeting will focus on a different Fruit of the Spirit.
September 11 - We will have pizza at 6:30, overview of the year, devotions on LOVE. We will then go outside to the school playground to play, so dress according to the weather. 6:30 - 8:00 pm.
October 9 - Pizza will be at 6:30. Devotions on JOY. We will be using a Thrivent grant for a service project.
November 13 - This meeting we will be making our Faith Partner gifts for Christmas. It is very important to be at this meeting when make the gifts so your child will be able to do the visit between Thanksgiving and Christmas. I make contact arrangements and usually pick up the kids after school and then bring them home when we are done. Pizza at 6:30. Devotions will be on PEACE.
December 11 - Pizza at 6:30. Devotions on PATIENCE. Special project for our families.
January 8 - Pizza at 6:30. Devotions on KINDNESS and GOODNESS. Make valentines for Faith Partners.
February 12 - Pizza at 6:30. Devotions on FAITHFULNESS & GENTLENESS. Game night.
March 7 - FRIDAY NIGHT 6:30 pm to 10:00 pm. Pizza at 6:30. Bring a snack to share (we will be providing caffeine free beverages). We will be working on our Faith Partner's gift for Easter. Easter gifts will be delivered individually before Easter. SELF - CONTROL will be our devotion topic.
April 9 - Serve a Wednesday Night Lenten Supper. 4:45 - 7:00 and worship from 7 - 8 pm. Each family will be asked to provide food for this one and only fundraiser that JAM youth do each year.
May 14 - Pizza at 6:30 and then we will be doing Cemetery cleanup for St. Luke's Cemetery. Wear appropriate clothing for outside work. Ending time at the normal 8:00 pm time.